Reishi Mushroom For Dogs

Reishi mushroom is amazing! It has many benefits, but mostly it’s used to improve immune function and in the treatment of cancer.

With no known toxicity or side effects it’s a great addition to every dogs diet. We use beautiful organic reishi in our Beef & Chicken recipe.

What is it? Reishi (or Ganoderma lucidum) is a medicinal mushroom that has been used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine. If you’re not into TCM, stay with me here - there’s been LOTS of modern research that show incredible health benefits. 

Specifically, reishi contains bioactive components that can help in the treatment of a wide range of ailments from arthritis, to gastric ulcers, kidney problems and diabetes.

For us it’s up there with turmeric as one of the most useful functional foods you can feed your dog.

Healthy Dogs Have Healthy Guts!

We’re all about gut health, so it’s probably no surprise that one of the big benefits of feeding reishi is that it helps the balance of bacteria in the gut. Reishi has been clinically shown to help to regulate intestinal imbalance, reducing inflammation and the associated symptoms. It works by promoting “good” probiotic bacteria while helping to remove “bad” pathogenic bacteria, improving the overall balance and makeup of the microbiome.

Improving the overall balance of gut flora has a profound effect on overall health. With up to 80% of your dogs immune system residing in their gut, having a happy belly is the key to great immune function and a long happy life.


Cancer Treatment and Prevention

Reishi also plays a significant role in the treatment and prevention of cancer. It is used therapeutically in humans with cancer to help repair their immune system and reduce the effects of chemotherapy. 

Studies show that adding reishi mushroom in the diet modulates the immune system, helping it to fight tumors and as well as opportunistic infections. Reishi helps the body to attack the tumors - with no known side effects, unlike chemotherapy. There is no evidence that it cures cancer, but the research does indicate that it can be helpful in the fight.

There are obviously many factors which effect cancer growth, the most important (in my opinion) for dogs being carbohydrate level in the diet. If you are concerned about your dog getting cancer, feeding a low (less than 5%) carbohydrate diet is the most important dietary step you can take. 

If you are already feeding a quality low-carb raw diet (like Whoa Nelly), reishi is a very worthwhile addition because of how it improves immune and gut function.

Which Reishi To Buy

Good quality reishi mushroom is not cheap. But it’s one of those ingredients that quality is very important. I would only recommend feeding reishi if you can source it organically from a reputable source. 

There are a few factors to consider when selecting reishi to feed your dog:

  1. Pick a product that uses the “fruiting body” rather than mycelium, as it is as it doesn’t contain the growing substrate.

  2. Dual-extracted means that you get both water and fat soluble compounds, so there is a wider range of benefits for your dog.

  3. Ensure your reishi is non-irradiated, as most are imported from China where they are grown.

  4. If possible find mushrooms that are produced without chemicals. Wild harvested or organic reshi are amazing and worth the extra cost.


How Much To Feed

The concentration of mushroom products can vary depending on their source and processing, so it is difficult to give a definitive amount to feed. A good starting point is around 0.5g per 10kg bodyweight. Always start with a small amount initially to ensure that it works well for your dog. 

We use organic reishi mushroom in our Beef & Chicken recipe. We formulated this recipe with a focus on longevity, so it contains both reishi and organic blueberries. Blueberries which have been shown to slow cognitive decline in dogs so together they are the perfect complement for ageing gracefully. 

PS. Humans can also eat reishi! We have it every day at home. It’s really easy - just add a teaspoon to your smoothie 🐾

Jimi Wall

Canine Nutritionist (HATO)


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